Tag Archives: UK

New Media, New Lies

The YouTube community is at the forefront of contemporary Fascistic propaganda and has become a grand manipulator within the political play ground for a generation who have been decimated by the late stages of capitalism. Buried under fail compilations, pop culture trends and make up tutorials, is a propaganda machine that echoes western chauvinism, white supremacy and cultural and racial myths. Born out of the image board scenes and the so called new atheist movement, right wing pundits and reactionary forces have become a populist force within the platform.

Posing as “New media”, a self-aggrandising title for those not only tied to the old economic model, but mirror the libertarian mind set of the  1990’s too, many of these charlatans have been able to profit from misinformation, xenophobic views and outright racism, with very little consequence from the outside powers, while simultaneously portraying themselves as an alternative. The copy and paste motif of these right wing pundits follows a specific trend of  anti- feminist, anti-migrant & anti-Left commentary, normally under the umbrella of what they have titled “PC culture”, a ominous force concocted by the paranoid, that seeks to silent (white) men.

No doubt among militant circles, there is a real need for legitimate criticism ranging from optics to praxis within groups of marginalised people and progressive movements. Yet, one can not help but smell a familiar stench within the Youtube scene.  In the more potent circles of the right and recently regurgitated by Canadian, Psychologist and human dumpster fire, Jordan ‘lobster fucker’ Peterson in a Channel 4 interview (read straight from his book), the age old “CULTURAL MARXISM” myth reared its ugly head. Based off of a moral panic rooted in Nazi propaganda of 20th century with roots as far back to the 1860s,  the then named ‘Cultural Bolshevism’ was used by Nazi critics to shut down progressive media, art and literature. Today, instead of communist Jews infiltrating your glorious European nations, it is Radical feminists, Neo-Marxists and College safe spaces (or in other words “Pc culture”) that threaten our homelands. Despite very little evidence, this bogeyman is a threat to every spook western civilisation holds dear and anyone defending it is an enemy to your liberty ( or so they say).
This edgy commentary and often anti moralistic stance, has an obvious appeal to those alienated under liberalism and bust cycles of capitalism, one can sympathise with the struggle but can not condone the reactionary position taken, especially by those who seek to defend these snake oil salesmen, peddling soft core, racism to teens, for clicks.

Entrenched in the dogmatic defence of these commentators, is the neo-liberal individualistic belief that these are ‘independents’ and that this new media, is here to liberate us from our current shackles. An example of such blind faith is reflected within the American Fascists of the Alt right and the ‘Red pill’ meme, taken from 1999 film the Matrix. In this now infamous scene, protagonist Neo is offered a blue or red pill, upon choosing the red pill, Neo is able to awaken to the real world and abandon the old oppressive system of his life. This idea of Progress, rebirth and revelation is intrinsic to the western paradigm, the presumption that we are moving forward to our own awakening is embedded in our mutation of christian hopes, the idealism of progress works in favour of the political naivety of liberal Utopians & capitalists, who have bought into a revisionist idealism that they can save the world. However, There are no independents within the spectacle, and in reality the ‘Red pill’ is merely a plot device to allow the fiction to move forward, not a manifested destiny that awaits us and not real progress. It is therefore ideologically foolish to think individuals are devoid of the spectacle and even more so to think those in bed with tyrants of capital, have any interest in releasing us from it. The Californian ideology that Companies like Youtube and its parent Google, are based on, are the very definition of the status quo and very much part of the Capitalist realist project. This is reflected in the content produced as we see  Liberty, freedom and property rights as a consistent focus within this medium, despite these liberal phantoms rarely being applied universally within their own discourse. The liberal lie of meritocracy is potent within this content a childish beleif of a level playing field while unironically receiving a pay check from a corporate monopoly.

The tech giants of today that platform this culture of hate work hand in hand with exiting powers, from law enforcement to corporate structures. They have vested interest in bourgeoisie society and were built upon the neoliberal demon that plagues western society to this day. It is evidential that such agitators despite what they, or their cheerleaders may claim, are not as new or revolutionary as they say. Rather either due to their own historical revisionism or more likely lack of any real research or commitment to their stances, they are simply part of the same mechanism that has  kept Liberal society churning for the last 200 years.

The failings of Liberal press have an obvious role in creating this false god of new media. the inherent bias and inescapable lack of objectivity attached to much of western media produced, is well documented and culturally accepted among the masses. Despite the work of Ultra Nationalists & Anglo supremacists, the term ‘Fake news’ is not the modern phenomenon it’s narrated to be, but rather a systemic issue of our Media today. The struggle to find empiricism in media content is very much attached the to the current order, and should not be solely scapegoated to online trolls, tipping their fedoras for foreign states. The damage control within our currently perceived, political turmoil is to ignore the root of our crisis, that under the cultural domination of capitalism, journalists are castrated. It is therefore that our content must rely on bias or tainted speculation due to the very nature, that we are given no alternatives. There is only an apparition that presents itself, one that brands all alternatives Taboo or political naivety. Our media can only write spectacle because the very nature of Politics under capitalist Realism. The Realist Project is an insidious force that has appropriated everything. Journalists are not precogs & therefore cant see beyond the Phantasm Capitalism has produced. A System of symbolism to drive commodification is the very definition of fake, our news & media reflect that.

Those within the Youtube demographic are by far, the most socially conscious of main stream medias failings and have predominantly resisted traditional conservative narratives of church, state and god. Yet, despite the smug satisfaction of dispelling the myths of old, we have forgotten that such stories are a mere symptom of our cancer, that without escaping the shackles of the dominant bourgeois narrative, we are restrained in producing only imitations of what we already know.  History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce said Marx or in our case changing platform, is not the same as creating new content. The hope that alternative media will solve the problems of existing media, or in other words trying alternative forms of capitalism to solve existing capitalism, is utterly naive. Despite the radical personalities of Youtube’s content creators, these pundits & faux intellectuals  are the tamest among us, their middle class revolution a mere byproduct of the Liberalism they claim to reject. Their impotence and inability to free themselves, is the frustration vented in their media & their aspiration to challenge existing power is nothing but the libertarian pipe dream of their Californian predecessors.

You don’t want Corbyn, you want Communism.


When  Labour supporters in Britain call for the return of “Old Labour” they ignore the fact that the much of the celebrated Attlee government of 1945-51 that built the NHS, welfare state etc. did so through theft and genocide.( – mainly in Malaya but also in Iran and Nigeria). The burden of Britain’s post WW2 economy was pushed on to British colonies. The disingenuous colonial left in Britain, ignore the imperialist history of the Labour Party and make out its problems only started with the Thatcher eras & Blair. Revolutionaries should be aware  that Communism will inevitability smash the state & as pragmatic as it is to back Corbyn for now, many are under the delusion that the Labour Party are a good thing, they are not. At their root they are Trotskyist traitors & in their contemporary form they are revisionists.  If we are to seek a radical shift and liberate all peoples, it will be with the devolution of power, given to the people and their vanguard revolutionary party. Do not fall for the cult of personalities, the worker and common woman & man are the ones who should be lifted on pedestals, not career politicians (no matter how noble they are). Socialism is what is being offered not a messiah. Communism is not a dirty word & the spectre should not have wear the mask of a kind old white man to stake its case. If Corbyn’s economic view is popular,  Then Marxist economics is popular. If Corbyn’s view on housing the poor is popular, then communist views of property rights is popular. If Corbyn’s view on foreign policy is popular, the leftists view on imperialism is popular.  We neither want the party nor the man! We want revolution!

Nationalism is snake oil.


Regressive nationalism will get you nowhere. Individualism has killed the individual, allowing liberal capitalism to absorb the self. The very economic and social woes you fear the most, will only be emboldened by this self inflicted isolation, the west has brought on itself. The abandonment of the internationalist mind, is the abandonment of all politics & social progress. ‘Sovereignty’ is just a synonym for being ruled by a few. We can not preach of mutual aid & cooperation if it does not encompass us all. There is no society but a global one.

The path of the nationalist abandons both empathy for your fellow man and hope for a better world. The path he takes is one that secures his own mutual destruction. He rather scurry as parasite to survive the harsh conditions, than build a world that can withstand any disaster. Their naivety interprets us as idealists, when in reality it is them who are blinded  by a false utopia. Their conservatism has deluded their senses, allowing the machinery of the state to harvest them while they whine about a life they never had.

Do not be charmed by the snake oil sales man that sells you fear, hate and points you at your brothers and sisters. His serpent tongue only spits a false narrative, to disguise the fact that he too wishes to be a master, rather than a comrade in arms. These foolish brutes only wish to divide and conquer, It is beyond their comprehension to unite & stand together.

Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.

How hate festers in UK.

Due to the Liberal pragmatism that dominates the ideological field of the UK, Racism in this country becomes a much more insidious force. Due to this, bigotry and hate becomes far more institutionalised into our society. Our hate crime becomes subtle and disguised in a contradiction of ‘polite’ rhetoric. When people talk about “Britishness” rarely are they referring to the traits people in the UK hold, they are simply talking about anglo white faces. We wrap up our hate in a pretty package and call the other a foreigner or an immigrant and what we really mean is “you are not the same as I therefore you are less”. This allows us to internally accept our message of hate without feeling any of the guilt that would make us question our liberalism.